Roads to Home Newsletter
As winter approaches.....
We had a beautiful summer season which allowed us to escape our homes and enjoy outdoor activities... if not events. I had my grandchildren quite a bit this summer and it was a welcome respite from the social gathering restrictions. Their chatter and amazing imaginative play brought me to a whole other world in which to live! One day my basement was turned into a restaurant, complete with covid mask rules and some very silly menu items, another rainy day my home was transformed into a disco dance party. What fun!
As Covid 19 continues and we learn to live with the restrictions in our own ways, more virtual meetings, calls to friends and time on the computer looking for social activity takes us through these strange times.
Whatever time you have away from work, make it enjoyable and satisfying. Rituals like home spa days, park walking, cooking new recipes and organizing areas of the home make it more enjoyable.
What is Radon gas?
Radon gas in an invisible gas that comes up from fissures in the the ground and can come into your basement through cracks in the foundation, around windows and around a sump pump. It is odourless and in high amounts can cause lung cancer according
to Health Canada. Recently testing homes for Radon gas has been encouraged by the government. It can be an issue in some areas more than others. Note: Home inspectors do not test for it because the testing is usually over a 3 month period. Testing is done in the winter months when your home is typically closed up. So this is the perfect time of year to start this. After 3 months you will send the test into a lab and it will reveal the level
(parts per cubic meter) in your basement. Health Canada has a baseline amount for what is safe and what should be treated. Sealing up cracks in the basement and covering the sump pump hole and additional basement ventalation (HRV system) are some of the ways to mitigate it. If you live in the basement or use it quite often you might want to set up a test.
I am currently offering a radon test kit to anyone who signs into my web page contact page and leaves their request and address for delivery. https:\\
Video blog link: lLTThY5ntmY
For more information click on my video blog above. And visit
Home values in Kingston & Area
It is a bit crazy in the home sales market right now. We are still in a Sellers market with only a few homes being listed. And because of this, they are selling quickly and often with multiple
offers. Buyers are having to compete and generally getting anxious about the purchase process in order to secure a home. It is not uncommon for a house listed at a fair market value to get multiple offers and sell well over asking. What makes it worth the effort for many Buyers are the great Mortgage rates. With a 20% down payment you will secure an all time low interest mortgage.
A recent example of this market was a listing I had at 1360 Sydenham rd. It had 8 offers and sold $100,000. over asking.
On the Buying side negotiating a purchase often means reducing conditions and stretching your purchase amount. But if you can consider living outside of Kingston you may have better purchasing power. I recently helped a client purchase in Napanee and I was able to help them stay under list price and add in conditions including the sale of their home.
Friend me on Facebook and Follow me on Instagram
We could all use more friends! Sometimes it’s the simple things that get us through these times. Facebook and Instagram can be a bit annoying sometimes but social media is allowing us to share stories and connect on this virtual playing field so please join me if you haven’t already at ValWestgateRealtor or on Instagram as westgatevalerie
Do you need a home office or a better crafting room or a rec room for the kids? Do you want a dream kitchen to showcase your new cooking skills? Would a bigger garage fit your needs?
Call me with all your real estate needs. I can help you buy or sell. Maximizing your purchasing power and your property sale with professional and personal service.

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